Kinnikinnick Chocolate Dipped Donuts

Photo Place one frozen donut on a plate, warm in microwave for 30 seconds, remove, moisten a napkin with fresh water, sit in a quiet place, have a sip of coffee, and bite in to the joy and wonder of a Kinnikinnick. You'll appreciate the cool napkin to wipe off your chocolate smile and sticky paws.

If you feel a burning sensation on the roof of your mouth, that is the sweet searing chocolate frosting. You will remember this donut over the coming days. Next time you may want to eat the donut upside down. The tongue is less likely to be seared. Even better, you could withhold the eating process until said donut has sufficiently cooled. I've never been able to.

PhotoMAKER: Kinnikinnick Foods

TASTE: Reasonably heavy hand crafted type donut. Rich tasting. Filling. Good amount of chocolate (if you really want a chocolate sensation, try their chocolate glazed donut).

TEXTURE: Like a couch.

SIZE: 1" high by 4" in diameter. Often the hole is clogged with frosting! If you look at it from the underside you'll find a chocolate bejeweled belly button.

SWEETS & FATS: Astonishingly (!), it's really not that fattening for its energy value. It is pretty sweet. Hey, it's a donut.

PRICE: About 3x the price of a wheat besotted franchise donut, like from Dunkin Donuts. Worth it.

NOTES: The only donut maker found in the GF Cookie Federation union canteen.


reog said...

Hmmm...very delicious, in my country, there are a lot of varian of donut, some donuts make no hole, contains with meat or anothers.

greeting from :reogfoodie

Anonymous said... a couch, huh? I like your sense of humor. I have been meaning to check these donuts out.